NTO Council meets in Rome
The Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) held its second Council meeting in Rome, Italy from 5-7 th March, 2019. NTO was formally launched in Ottawa, Canada in March, 2018 following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between various regional and international tax organisations. CATA is one of the members of the Council.
General Giorglio Toschi, Commander of the Italian Guardia di Finanza hosted the heads of the NTO at its headquarters in Rome. The Council discussed the Work Plan for 2019/2020 and the preparations for the first NTO Technical Conference to be held in 2020, which the Government of Italy agreed to host.
Members of the Council also visited the Academy of Tax and Financial Crime Investigation where they were conducted by the senior staff of the institution.
Other members of the Council present included heads of the Secretariat for Africa Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), Le Cercle de Réflexion et d'Echange des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF), Centro Inter-Americana de Tributarius (CIAT), Association of Tax Administrators of Islamic Countries (ATAIC) and the West African Tax Administration Forum (WATAF).