CATA’s Organisation
Head Office
Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators, c/o Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HX
Office Bearers
Dr. Zacch Adedeji
Dr. Abu Tariq Jamaluddin
Vice Chairman,
Mr John Swerdlow
United Kingdom
Executive Director,
Dr. Esther A. P. Koisin
Regional Directors
Asia Region: Maldives
Europe Region: United Kingdom
Canada and the Caribbean: Canada
Northern Africa: Rwanda
Pacific Region: Australia
Southern Africa: Eswatini
Management Committee
The Management of the business of the Association vests in a Management Committee consisting of elected members from up to fourteen countries, including a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Details of the Management Committee that will serve for the period 2021 to 2024 were not fully finalised during the virtual 15th General Meeting held in 2021 and will be published as soon as they are available.
General Meetings
Under the Constitution, a General Meeting is required to be held every three years. The affairs of the Association are governed by the General Meeting. Fifteen General Meetings have so far been held: 1979 (Singapore), 1982 (Australia), 1985 (New Zealand), 1988 (Malawi), 1991 (Papua New Guinea), 1994 (Tanzania), 1997 (Samoa), 2000 (India), 2003 (Malaysia), 2006 (Mauritius), 2009 (Malawi), 2012 (Malta), 2015 (Malaysia), 2018 (Fiji) and 2021 (virtual only, because of the COVID pandemic).
CATA Secretariat
CATA Secretariat is located in London in one of the Commonwealth Secretariat offices. Though CATA is organisationally independent, it relies on the Commonwealth Secretariat for the provision of accommodation and a number of administrative services for its day to day operations.
Country Representatives and Correspondents
Under Article 5 of the Constitution of CATA, every member country is required to appoint a Country Representative for CATA duly approved by the Finance Minister or other appropriate authority. The Country Representative is the contact person for CATA for his country in respect of all important policy matters. Under Article 5A of the Constitution of CATA, every Country Representative of CATA is required to notify the name of his Country Correspondent to the Secretariat in London for promoting communication between the Secretariat and members, for the supply of regulated information for various purposes and for stimulating greater participation at middle management level.
Representative: Gabrielle Jackson
Director International Relations, Capacity Building and Transparency
The Bahamas
Representative: Ms Gaynell Rolle, Chief Valuation Officer & Comptroller of Inland Revenue, Ministry of Finance
Representative: Mr S Aminul Karim, Member, Tax Policy, National Board of Revenue
Representative: Mrs Louisa Lewis-Ward, Revenue Commissioner, Barbados Revenue Authority
Representative: , Ms Michelle Longsworth, Director General, Tax Administration Belize
Representative: Vivian Lesedi
General Manager-South Region, Botswana Unified Revenue Service
Representative: Ms Pengiran Hajah Normaswati bte Pengiran Anak Haji Mashor, Director of Revenue Division, Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance & Economy
Representative: Mr John Kinyuy, Inspector of Taxes, International Fiscal Relations, Directorate General Of Taxation
Representative: Mr Soren Halverson, Assistant Commissioner, Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch, Canada Revenue Agency
Representative: Mr Soteris Markides, Commissioner, Tax Department
Representative: Ms Fay Yee, Acting CEO, Fiji Revenue & Customs Service
The Gambia
Representative: Mr Essa Jallow, Deputy Commissioner General and Head of Domestic Taxes, Gambia Revenue Authority
Representative: Mr Lawrence Hotsonyame,
Assistant Commissioner, Head, DTRD Technical Training Unit
Training & Development Department, Ghana Revenue Authority
Representative: Mr Michael Stephen, Comptroller of Inland Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Inland Revenue Division
Representative: Mr Godfrey Statia, Commissioner General, Guyana Revenue Authority
Representative:Mr. Bhaskar Goswami, Joint Secretary (FT&TR-II), Central Board of Direct Taxes
Representative: Mr Ainsley Powell, Commissioner General, Tax Administration Jamaica
Representative: Mr. Humphrey Mulongo Wattanga, Commissioner General, Kenya Revenue Authority
Representative: Ms Reta Ubati, Commissioner of Tax, Taxation Division, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development
Representative: Mrs Manneheng Ninie Mopeli, Commissioner Core Operations, Lesotho Revenue Authority
Representative: Mr John S Biziwick, Commissioner General, Malawi Revenue Authority
Representative: Dr. Abu Tariq Jamaluddin, Chief Executive Officer/Director General, Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia
Representative: Mr Hassan Zareer, Commissioner General of Taxation
Representative: Mr Ivan Portelli, Director (Administration), Office of the Commissioner for Revenue
Representative: Sudhamo Lal, Director General, Mauritius Revenue Authority
Representative: Mr Justus Mwafongwe, Director, Inland Revenue
New Zealand
Representative: Mr Peter Mersi, Commissioner, Inland Revenue
Representative: Mr. Adetayo Koleosho
Chief of Staff to the Executive Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service
Representative: Mr. Mir Badshah Khan Wazir, Director General, International Tax Operations, Federal Board of Revenue
Papua New Guinea
Representative: Mr Sam Koim, Acting Commissioner General, Internal Revenue Commission
Representative: Ronald Niwenshuti, Commissioner General, Rwanda Revenue Authority
Saint Kitts
Representative: Mr Edward Gift, Comptroller of Inland Revenue, Inland Revenue Department
Saint Lucia
Representative: O. Marcia Vite’
Comptroller of Inland Revenue, Inland Revenue Department
Representative: Fonoti Talaitupu Lia-Taefu
Chief Executive Officer Ministry for Revenue
Representative: Ms Varsha Singh, Commissioner General, Seychelles Revenue Commission.
Sierra Leone
Representative: Dr Samuel Jibao, Commissioner General, Domestic Tax Department, National Revenue Authority
Representative: Ng Wai Choong
Commissioner of Inland Revenue/CEO, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Sri Lanka
Representative: W.A.S.Chandresekara
Commissioner General, Inland Revenue Department
Kingdom of Eswatini/ Swaziland
Representative: Vusi Cornelius Ngcamphalala, Commissioner Domestic Taxes, Eswatini Revenue Service
United Republic of Tanzania
Representative: Mr. Alphayo Japan Kidata, Commissioner General, Tanzania Revenue Authority
Representative: Mr Kelemete Vahe, Chief Executive Officer, Revenue Services, Ministry of Revenue & Customs
Trinidad and Tobago
Representative: Ms Sharon N. Boodoosingh
Commissioner of Inland Revenue and Chairman of the Board
Representative: To be advised
Representative: Ms.Sarah Chelangat Muzungyo
Commissioner Domestic taxes, Uganda Revenue Authority
The United Kingdom
Representative: Miss Debbie Lock
Head of International Relations Team, Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs
Representative: Mr Dingani Banda, Commissioner General, Zambia Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Frances Horsburgh
Relationship Manager, International Relations, Capacity Building and Transparency
The Bahamas
Correspondent: Ms Gaynell Rolle, Chief Valuation Officer & Comptroller of Inland Revenue, Ministry of Finance
Correspondent: Mr Aminur Rashman, Director General, Central Intelligence Cell, National Board of Revenue
Correspondent: Graeme Stoute
Manager, Global Relations, Barbados Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Ms Michelle Longsworth, Director General, Tax Administration Belize
Correspondent: Mr Oabile Simon, Manager Tax Treaties and Agreements, Botswana Unified Revenue Service
Correspondent: Mr Mohammad Noorul Aiman bin Haji Jaman, Senior Finance Officer, Revenue Division, Ministry of Finance & Economy
Correspondent: Mr Joseph Awunti Tanyi-Mbianyor, Inspector of Taxes, Assistant Research Officer, Directorate General Of Taxation
Correspondent: Mr Mark Conrod, Senior Program Specialist, Canada Revenue Agency
Correspondent: Anna Fantarou Senior Principal Assessor, Head of Training Unit
Correspondent: Mr George Mow, Manager, International Relations, Fiji Revenue & Customs Service
The Gambia
Correspondent: Mr Samba Sallah, Deputy Commissioner, Domestic Taxes Gambia Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Mr Daniel Edisi, Assistant Commissioner, Ghana Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Ms Kareen Alexander, Ministry of Finance, Inland Revenue Division
Correspondent: Ms. Hema Khan
Deputy Commissioner General
Correspondent: Mr Niraj Kumar, Director (FT&TR-V), Central Board of Direct Taxes
Correspondent: Miss Meris Haughton, Chief Corporate Communications Officer, Tax Administration Jamaica
Correspondent: Ms Loice Akello, Officer – International Advocacy, Kenya Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Mr Akaaka Kibae, Team Leader, Processing Unit, Kiribati Taxation, Ministry of Finance & Economic Development
Correspondent: To be appointed
Correspondent: Alick K. Masala, Manager Data Analytics and Research, Malawi Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Ms. Nadianauli Yaakub
Principal Assistant Director, International Affairs & Exchange of Information Division, Department of International Taxation, Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia
Correspondent: Ms Asma Shafeeu, Deputy Commissioner General of Taxation
Correspondent: Daniela Psaila
Senior Manager
Legal, Policy, Technical and International Relations, Office of the Commissioner for Revenue
Correspondent: Mrs Mukhta Toofanee, Team Leader, International Taxation Section, Mauritius Revenue Authority
Correspondent: Mr Seppo Shigwele, Taxation Officer, Inland Revenue
New Zealand
Correspondent: Mr John Nash, International Revenue Strategy Manager, Inland Revenue
Correspondent: Mr Olufemi Michael Olarinde,
Assistant Director & Technical Support, Office of the Executive Chairman (OEC), Federal Inland Revenue Service
Correspondent: Ms. Sumria Mahmood Qazi, Chief (International Taxes Operations), Federal Board of Revenue
Papua New Guinea
Correspondent: Halliday Vea Daro Lohia, Executive Secretary, Office of Commissioners, Internal Revenue Commission
Correspondent: Murasi Innocente
Deputy Commissioner General, Rwanda Revenue Authority
Saint Kitts
Correspondent: Mr Edward Gift
Saint Lucia
Correspondent: Felicia Ellie
Strategic, Inland Revenue Department
Correspondent: Seumanu Ieni Asani Sheppard
Deputy CEO-IRS
Correspondent: Ms Roseline Lepathy
Director Compliance Program & Policy, Seychelles Revenue Commission
Sierra Leone
Correspondent: To be advised
Correspondent: Ms Eileen Tay
Deputy Director, International Tax and Relations Division, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Sri Lanka
Correspondent: B.K.S.Shantha
Deputy Commissioner General, Inland Revenue Department
Kingdom of Eswatini/ Swaziland
Correspondent: Karen Hemmingsson,
Manager International Relations, Eswatini Revenue Service
United Republic of Tanzania
Correspondent: Kayobyo Hosea Majogoro
Deputy Commissioner General, Tanzania Revenue Authority
Correspondent: To be advised
Trinidad and Tobago
Correspondent: To be advised
Correspondent: To be advised
Correspondent: Ms.Irene Mbabazi Irumba
Assistant Commissioner Learning & Development, Uganda Revenue Authority
The United Kingdom
Correspondent: Ms Charlotte Scriven, International Engagement Lead, Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs
Correspondent: Ms Munita Chumba, Inspector – Policy & Legislation, Zambia Revenue Authority