Tax administration responses to COVID-19: Caribbean region share experiences

Following the success of the Tax Policy and Tax Administration Responses to COVID-19 Virtual Meeting for Asian and Pacific countries held on 14th May 2020, CATA in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Caribbean Organisation for Tax Administrators (COTA) hosted a meeting on the same topic for Caribbean nations.

The event took place on 9th June 2020 with just over 90 participants in attendance. CATA members Jamaica and The Bahamas shared presentations detailing how their tax administrations have responded to the pandemic. Discussions also featured presentations by the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and Forum on Tax Administration, the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre, and UK-based think tanks the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

Links to presentations below:

Regional perspective by CARTAC

Country experiences

Tax policy responses by David Bradbury (OECD)

How tax officials can respond by David Phillips, Institute for Fiscal Studies Iain Steel, Overseas Development Institute

Tax administration responses by Peter Green (FTA)

Duncan Onduru